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Solutions Manual to accompany Engineering Materials Science By Milton Ohring

Milton Ohring’s Engineering Materials Science integrates the scientific nature and modern applications of all classes of engineering materials. This comprehensive introductory textbook will provide undergraduate engineering students with the fundamental background needed to understand the science of structure-property relationships, and will address the engineering concerns of materials selection in design, the processing of materials into useful products, and the degradation and failure of materials in service. Specific topics include: physical and electronic structure; thermodynamics and kinetics; processing; mechanical, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties; degradation, failure; and reliability.

The author has taught introductory courses in materials science and engineering in both academia and industry (AT&T Bell Laboratories) and has also written the well-received book, The Materials Science of Thin Films (Academic Press).
Key Features:
* Provides a modern treatment of materials exposing the interrelated themes of structure, properties, processing, and performance.
* Includes a graphically and computationally oriented, interactive computer disk containing nine modules dealing with struture, phase diagrams, diffusion, and mechanical and electronic properties.
* Fundamentals are stressed.


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